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What do you see in your mind's eye?
Open the gates. Enter the dreaming.
A person's capacity for mental visualisation should not be confused with their capacity for imagination. People with limited or no mental visualisation are still able to imagine concepts, just not picture them. Also note that a person's mental perception is not necessarily limited to the visual kind - this can also be related to hearing, smell, taste or touch, and people with low mental imagery levels may often base their mental perception around these senses.
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{What happened to her?}
Shattered, soul gone
{What happened to the pieces?}
They're everywhere, far apart from each other it'll be almost impossible to put her back together
I'm scared though, what if they manage? One was already weaponised before
{And? You destroyed it.}
Yes, by dying.
{Hmm, I could get it before they could do anything, and you could destroy it.}
What makes you think I can destroy it?
{you killed her}
And I'm not sorry for that
{you shouldn't be}
Well, what if they try to put her back together?
{her soul is gone}
But not the shards
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Mci zccy fsozzm toawzwof, vojs ks ash pstcfs?
Vaa? Bc, W rcb'h hvwby gc
Cv gcffm
Rcb'h odczcuwgs, mci dfcpopzm gok Wjcfm obr Ufsm, bch mcif toizh gvs kog hcc zonm hc aoys bsk toqsg, W'a Dwby, waouwbohwcb, qfsohwjwhm obr ofh, mci?
Qobofm, wbbcjohwcb obr ybckzsrus, mci'fs o dfwacfrwoz?
Msov, rcb'h kcffm, wh fsozzm wgb'h hvoh aiqv ct o pwu rsoz
Pih wh wg! Mci rcb'h xigh igs hvs slwghwbu tfouasbhg ct mcif ogdsqh wb hvs kcfzr, mci wbgdwfs hvsa! Qfsohs hvsa!
Fwuvh, obr mci'zz bsjsf wbgdwfs gcascbs hc wbbcjohs?
Kszz, cbzm kvsb W'zz dfshsbr hc ps acfhoz W uisgg, mci rcb'h bssr hc rc hvoh. Kvoh ofs mci sjsb rcwbu?
W'a robqwbu ct qcifgs
Pih kvm ofs mci wb hvs Wby? Bc cbs gvcizr ps vsfs
Wh'g am rihm, W'a hvs szrsgh m'ybck? Ywbr ct o por zccy wt W'a igszsgg
Gc gvs aoysg mci robqs wb hvs Wby? kvm?
W'js zsofbh vck hc digv wh okom, vck hc dizz wh qzcgsf, sjsb vck hc gvods wh (kwhv o tzwqy ct hvs vobr, o hfowz ct dwby aouwq tcfag o tzcksf, pzoqy wby eiwqyzm tczzckg wh, tcfawbu o fsoz, pzoqy tzcksf, wh wgb'h dsftsqh, obr gccb aszhg poqy wbhc hvs wby) gss?
Kvco, cyom, hvoh wg wadfsggwjs
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